campaign (short)

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>>> Action days in Karlsruhe against outlawing and racism.
Worldwide over 50mio people are seeking refuge. They flee war, unlivable life conditions, hunger and death in hope for a good life.
Those that manage inside EU must often remain in temporary or reception camps under inhumane conditions for years with neither receiving work permissions nor offers of education.
Karlsruhe has become a place of inhumanity, too.
In Baden-Wuerttemberg the “Regierungspraesidium“ (regional council) and some of it ́s units as well as the BAMF (federal office of migration and refugees) are responsible for registration, accomodation, hearing of the application and distribution of displaced people. However their responsibility covers organising the deportations.
Since the nineties people are therefore seperated into “Sammellager“ (collective camps)to be easier deported to alleged “sichere Herkunftsländer“ (safe countries of origin). New collective points in Bavaria, the planned deportation camp for Sinti and Romanies in Heidelberg, as well as the deportation prison of Pforzheim are next peeks in a shocking trend of outlawing and discrimination.
German government has made most various arrangements to take in as less people as possible. Dublin III forces refugees into less wealthy European countries near the borders. And the border agency Frontex is fully fi nancially equipped in order to hold as many people in need of protection from fi nding refuge in Europe as possible.
The airport procedure (Flughafenverfahren) makes deportation within 48 hours possible since 1993, accepting that it would be the last chance for desperate suffering displaced people to fi nd legal ways of refuge.
Simply discussing to establish these procedures at national borders should lead to germanwide outrage!
Once again CDU/CSU, SPD and die GRÜNEN make new asylum law intensifications. Those are an attack on the inviolability of human dignity, positioned in German fundamental law (Art. 1 GG). Disfranchisement, outlawing, compartmentalisation and deterrence are means to ditch responsibility instead of offering help for those in need.
Not refugees are the problem! It ́s the reasons of escape that must be tackled!
The term “wave of refugees“ is now being instrumentalized to take even more drastic steps against people that had to leave their countries of origin. Germany ́s planning of resources, it ́s weapon industry, participation in actions of war, it ́s agricultural policy and it ́s economy based foreign policy as well as the way of safeguarding political interests make it jointly guilty in the fl ights of millions of people. Germany ́s minimal duty should at least be creating legal escape routes. If for instance ships instead of warding refugees or fighting smugglers legally carried displaced people over the Mediterranean sea, smugglers would no longer exist neither would the people die.
To make a change we must become many and embrace ourselves.
No one is illegal! Everybody has a right for a life in dignity!
We demand:
  • Immediate access for asylum seekers to linguistical and educational offers as well as
  • work possibilities.
  • Decentral accomodation with urban access!
  • No division between political or economical caused fl ights!
  • Using abandoned buildings instead of creating tent camps!
  • Building legal escape routes!
  • Unrestricted right for movement and travel!
  • Right for residence for everyone!
  • Public discussion about reasons of escape and Germany ́s responsibility in it!
  • Stop patriotism!
Come to Karlsruhe! Help us with many colourful actions, a demonstration and a big rally with concert, to show politicians that we are serious!

Anti-Rassistisches Netzwerk Süd-West